Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Tridion Email Tactic

This creative allows a Tridion creative to be imported into Campaign Manager for use in Email Campaigns. A message is received if Campaign Manager has not been linked to Tridion.


  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select One field.
  2. Select Tridion Email.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the Creative name. Creative is a mandatory field, and therefore the Campaign cannot be processed without it. If the creative name is not visible on your screen click the button to move the tactic and its tabs upwards on the screen. Type refers to the channel used and cannot be amended.
  5. Click the drop-down in the Select Email Account tab and select the relevant account.

Only the Email Manager accounts you have been given access to will appear in this list.

Note: This account can be changed at any point prior to the campaign starting, however once the account is changed the other tabs will be re-populated based on the new account selected, and the data entered within the Setup message tab will be lost.
  1. On the Tridion Creative tab , select a folder to search for the email creative (Tridion content to be used in an email). Only published Tridion creatives will be available in the list.
  2. Select the creative on the right hand side, then check the template(s) that you wish to use in the area below.

Enter the name of the Tridion content (creative) by name in the Search by name field if you do not know the Folder that contains it.

  1. Click the Next Step button or click into the Setup Message tab to access a screen where the deployment options are set and the message variables are mapped. Expand the Message Deployment Options node to edit the following:
    • Deployment Throttle: Use this option to limit the number of messages that are sent per hour. This is particularly useful where you are mailing a large number of recipients and you want to stagger the mailing to limit impact on system resources. Check the Limit Deployment Speed check box and then enter the maximum Messages per Hour in the field below.
    • Health Threshold: Email Manager automatically maintains a health rating for all mailed recipients. The health of a recipient relates to their history of bounces and message opens. Opens get positive values, while bounces get negative values. Even valid email addresses bounce once in a while (Mailbox Full, or SPAM bounces for example) so it is not good business practice to simply suppress recipients that have bounced in the past. The Health Threshold option allows you to set a minimum value below which recipients will be automatically suppressed, even though they may qualify according to Track criteria.
  2. Under Setup variables use the drop-downs and fields to supply values for the variables that are included in the selected template. These could be database columns such as Email Address or Title, fixed values such as Sender Alias or dynamic variables, for example Offer Code. Campaign validation will fail unless you supply valid values for all message variables.

One of the variable types must be a Data type.

Note: Email Manager does not have a concept of Campaign Variables. All variables in Email Manager are stored at recipient level. When inserting campaign variables into email creatives, be aware that this will update that variable for all the recipients in the campaign, and that the variable may be updated by a subsequent campaign. The potential result of this behavior is that your campaign creative may display a variable value that is not valid for that campaign.
  1. Enter any events that require capturing on the Events tab.

Events are a key part of file tactics that allow you to use the Import Events tool to import events, the When in Segment tool to log campaign events based on filters that have been set up to capture responses, for example when a recipient enters a defined segment by purchasing a particular product, or have arrived on a landing page by clicking a link in an email, and the Response Attribution tool to monitor the success of a specific campaign and creative, for example seeing how many orders were placed as part of the campaign.

  1. Select the Seeds tab to set up any required Seeds.

Seeds allow you to send campaigns as a test, for example to your marketing department, to see whether the campaign reaches its target audience without it affecting your message send count.

The seeds file needs to be imported from the document explorer in either .csv or .txt file format. The seeds file needs to contain headers that map to the values in the Fields tab. Unless these values are mapped then the seeds cannot be sent. Note that any date fields used will need to be in a format recognized by Engine.

Note: If you are an IMS Lite, user the Events and Seeds tabs are not displayed.
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